
Under Republic Act No. 8239 or The Philippine Passport Act of 1996, a Philippine passport is a document issued by the Philippine Government to its citizens requesting other governments to allow its citizens to pass freely, and in case of need, to give them lawful aid and protection.

The Philippines has instituted the electronic passport (ePassport) system for all its citizens. The ePassport features microchip technology and a host of other security features thereby ensuring that Philippine passports are virtually tamper-proof. ePassport issuance is also compliant with the security standards set by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). The Philippine ePassport has an integrated circuit (chip) within its pages containing data that are essential in verifying the identity of the passport holder. These include the personal biographical information found on the data page of the passport, the biometrics of the passport holder, the unique chip identification number, and a digital signature to verify the authenticity of the data stored on the chip. The chip technology allows the information stored in an ePassport to be read by special chip readers at almost every international port of entry.

Passport Requirements

  1.   Printed Passport Application Packet with bar code. 
  2.   Original and one (1) photocopy of PSA-authenticated Birth Certificate or Report of Birth issued by the Philippine Consulate General in New York (PCG NY).

 The requirement that the Report of Birth should be PSA -authenticated may only be waived if the following conditions are met:

  1.   The Report of Birth has been registered in PCG New York;
  2.   The Passport application is being made in PCG NY; and
  3.   The passport application is made within one year of registering the Report of Birth.

Click here to request for a PSA-authenticated Birth Certificate.
  Note: A Local Civil Registrar (LCR) copy may be required if the PSA BC is not clear or unreadable.

  1.     For Married Female Applicant who opts to use her Husband’s Surname, original and one (1) photocopy of PSA-authenticated Marriage Certificate or Report of Marriage. Click here to request for PSA-authenticated Marriage Certificate.

The requirement that the Report of Marriage should be PSA-authenticated may only be waived if the following conditions are met:

  1.   The Report of Marriage has been registered in PCG New York;
  2.   The Passport application is being made in PCG NY; and
  3.   The passport application is made within one year of registering the Report of Marriage

Note: A Local Civil Registrar (LCR) copy may be required if the PSA MC is not clear or or unreadable.
  Also, if a female applicant opts to retain her maiden name, a Marriage Certificate is not required.

  1.   Original and one (1) photocopy of Valid Identification Card.

Acceptable US issued IDs     
            i.         US Visa
          ii.        US Driver’s License
          iii.        Permanent Resident Card or Alien Registration Card (I-551)
          iv.        Employment authorization
          v.        US State ID (Note: IDs will not be accepted)

Acceptable Philippine issued IDs

      vii.        PhilID ir ePhilID
    viii.        Valid government identification cards that show competent proof of identity


  1.   Original and one (1) photocopy of Proof of Filipino Citizenship*
          i.        Permanent Resident Card or Alien Registration Card
         ii.        US Visa
        iii.        Employment authorization (Note: sworn affidavit for out-of-status applicants)
        iv.        PSA -authenticated Certificate of Live Birth;
          v.        PSA -authenticated Report of Birth;
         vi.        PSA -authenticated Certificate of Foundling;
         vii.       Philippine certificate of Naturalization, Identification Certificate issued by the Bureau of Immigration (BI), Court Order granting Philippine citizenship through naturalization, Decree of Naturalization or copy of the law granting legislative naturalization;
        viii.        Identification Certificate or Certificate of Retention/Re-acquisition of Philippine citizenship issued by BI or FSPs for those re-acquired or retained Philippine Retention and Re-acquisition Act of 2003


In case of Late Registered Birth Certificate

  •         If Birth Certificate was registered less than ten (10) years ago, applicant must submit IDs that pre-date the late registration
  •         If applicant has no IDs that pre-date the late registered Birth certificate, applicant must produce current IDs and National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) Clearance.

 In case applicant has NO Birth Certificate or Report of Birth

  •       Applicant must first file for late registration with the Local Civil Registrar (LCR) or Consular Office with jurisdiction over the place where the applicant was born. The applicant will then submit the original copy of the PSA-authenticated late registered Birth Certificate with the requisite supporting documents and IDs that pre-date the late registration.

For naturalized Filipino citizens, the following are the additional requirements:

a)    For persons who have undergone Administrative Naturalization under Republic Act No 9139:
         i.        Certificate of naturalization;
         ii.       Certificate of Renunciation of foreign citizenship issued by the concerned Foreign Embassy or Foreign Ministry; and
        iii.       Identification Certificate issued by BI

b)    For persons who have undergone Judicial Naturalization under Commonwealth Act No 473:

            i.        Certificate of naturalization
            ii.        Court Oder, Certificate of Finality of Decision granting naturalization, decree of Naturalization; and
            iii.        Identification Certificate issued by BI.

c)    For persons who have undergone Legislative Naturalization under Commonwealth Act No. 63:

               i.        Certificate of Naturalization;
              ii.        Certified true copy of the law granting Philippine citizenship;
              iii.        Foreign Birth Certificate authenticated by the Philippine Foreign Service Post; and Identification Certificate issued by BI.

d)    For persons who availed of the Facilitated Naturalization of Refugees and Stateless Person under Supreme Court Rule 21-07-2022-SC:

                i.        Decree of Naturalization

e)    For those who obtained Philippine citizenship by election, i.e. those born before 17 January 1973 to Filipino mothers and married to non-Filipino spouses and elected Philippine citizenship within three (3) years upon reaching the age of twenty-one (21), the PSA-authenticated Certificate of Live Birth of or PSA- -authenticated Report of Birth shall be accompanied by Certificate of Election of Philippine citizenship issued by the BI.
f)     For those covered by  R.A. 9225 or the Dual Citizenship Act, they will need to present the original copy of their  Identification Certificate or Certificate of Retention/Re-acquisition of Philippine Citizenship


  1.   Printed Passport Application Packet with bar code. 
  2.   Original Current Philippine ePassport and one (1) photocopy of the data page
  3.   Original and one (1) photocopy of Proof of Filipino Citizenship* 



 Renewal of Brown, Green, Machine-Readable Maroon Passports or any older Passports will be treated as a new application.


(For newly married female who opts to use husband’s surname) Original and one (1) photocopy of PSA-authenticated Marriage Certificate or PSA-authenticated Report of Marriage. Click here to request for a PSA-authenticated Marriage Certificate.
      Note: Local Civil Registrar (LCR) copy may be required if the PSA MC is not clear or unreadable.
              If a female applicant opts to retain her maiden name, a Marriage Certificate is not required.

If a Female applicant’s marriage has been dissolved and she wants to revert to her maiden surname

  •         Applicant must submit the a copy of the original annotated PSA-authenticated Marriage Certificate (MC) or Report of Marriage (ROM) stating that the marriage has been dissolved; 
  •         Alternatively, if an annotated MC or ROM from PSA is not yet available, the applicant must submit a Certified True Copy of the Court Order dissolving the marriage and a Certificate of Finality from the court.

If the Applicant Wants to Correct Data on the Passport

1.     Discrepancy in first name – the applicant must submit a copy of the petition and supporting documents for correction of first name filed with the Local Civil Registrar (LCR) or Philippine Embassy/Consulate

2.     Discrepancy in other data – the applicant must submit an annotated birth certificate authenticated by the PSA reflecting the corrected entry.


1.       Use of married name – Format

A married woman may opt to use husband’s surname.

1.    (First name) + (Maiden surname as middle name) + (spouse’s last name)
2.    (First name) + (Maiden middle name) + (Maiden surname) + (-) + (spouse’s last name)

   Once a married woman has selected one of the married name configurations specified above, as already reflected in her latest issued passport or travel document, she has the option to switch to other form: provided, that she presents the following documents:

1.    At least one (1) valid identification card
2.    PSA-authenticated Certificate of live birth, Report of Birth, or Certificate of Foundling;
3.    PSA-authenticated Certificate of Marriage or Report of Marriage; and
4.    Notarized affidavit explaining why she has opted to change the format of her married name.

2.       Reversion to maiden name

A.   By virtue of death of the spouse

1. PSA -authenticated Certificate of Death or Report of Death (ROD) of spouse or apostilled or authenticated Foreign Death Certificate of foreign spouse with English translation, if applicable;
2. PSA-authenticated Certificate of Life Birth or Report of Birth; and
3. Latest issued Philippine passport (if available)
B.   By virtue of an annulment, declaration of nullity of marriage, judicially-recognized foreign divorce, and judicially-recognized divorce under Presidential Decree No. 1083 (Code of Muslim Personal Laws of the Philippines)
1. PSA -authenticated Certificate of Marriage or Report of Marriage (ROM) with annotation reflecting the nullity or dissolution of marriage;
2. PSA-authenticated Certificate of Live Birth or Report of Birth: and
3. Latest issued Philippine Passport (if available)
C.   Reasons apart from those stated above: Provided that this mode of reversion can only be done once

1. PSA-authenticated Certificate of Live Birth or Report of Birth;
2. Notarized Affidavit of Explanation that includes request for the reversion of maiden name in the Philippine passport and stating she has not hitherto availed of the reversion; and
3. Latest-issued Philippine passport


  1.   Personal appearance of minor applicant and either parent or authorized adult companion
  2.   Printed Passport Application Packet with bar code. 
  3.   Original and one (1) photocopy of the PSA-authenticated Birth Certificate or Report of Birth issued by the Philippine Consulate General New York (PCG NY).
  4. Click here to request for a PSA-authenticated Birth Certificate. Note: Local Civil Registrar (LCR) copy may be required if the PSA BC is not clear or unreadable.

The requirement that the Report of Birth should be PSA -authenticated may only be waived if the following conditions are met:

  1. The Report of Birth has been registered in PCG New York;
  2.  The Passport application is being made in PCG NY; and
  3.  The passport application is made within one year of registering the Report 
  4. Origin valid ID and a copy of the Passport of the accompanying parent’s Passport or Govt-issued Valid ID and a copy of the Passport or Govt-issued Valid ID of the spouse. 

Acceptable US issued IDs
            i.        US Passport
           ii.        US Visa
          iii.        US Driver’s License
          iv.        Permanent Resident Card or Alien Registration Card (I-551)
           v.        Employment authorization
          vi.        US State ID (Note: IDs will not be accepted)

  Acceptable Philippine issued IDs
        vii.        PhilID or ePhilID
       viii.        Valid government identification cards that show competent proof of identity

6.    Original and one (1) photocopy of minor’s school ID (if applicable)

            i.        For minor applicants 5-17 years old, school ID may be submitted. If school ID is unavailable, the parent of the applicant may submit a Certificate of Enrollment with the photo of the minor child and marked with the dry seal of the school.

7.    Original and one (1) photocopy of minor applicant’s Proof of Filipino Philippine Citizenship*

            i.        Permanent Resident Card or Alien Registration Card (I-551)
           ii.        US visa
          iii.        Employment authorization (Note: sworn affidavit for out-of-status applicants), if applicable

In case applicant is a newborn (less than 1 year old) and has No PSA-authenticated Report of Birth yet

Original copy of the Report of Birth issued by the Philippine Consulate General New York 

In case the minor applicant is accompanied by only one (1) parent during the application process:

       For Marital Minor Applicants:

1.       Personal appearance of one of the parents’ names in the PSA-authenticated birth certificate

2.       Valid Philippine passport or other competent proof of identity of the accompanying parent and the copy of her/his spouse’s passport or other competent proof of identity

3.       If the accompanying parent is an alien, the non-Filipino parent must present her or his foreign passport and a copy of the Filipino parent’s Philippine passport or other competent proof of identity; and

4.       If accompanied by an authorized adult companion, a Special Power of Attorney (SPA) executed by either of the minor’s parents or her/his legal guardian, as the case maybe, her/his passport or other component proof of identity, and copy of the passport or other competent proof of identity of the minor’s parent.
       For None-Marital Minor Applicants:
1.       Only the mother shall principally accompany the child and the file the passport application.

2.       Court Order awarding guardianship or parental authority, if parents are divorced or annulled.
In case of Non-Marital Minor whose Mother is nowhere to be found

If the non-marital minor is eight (8) years old and above, and acknowledged by the father in the PSA-authenticated  Birth Certificate, the father may accompany the minor during the passport application. The father shall provide either a copy of the Court Order or Affidavit of Explanation.

In case of non-marital minor applicant whose mother is deceased / absent and the father is unknown
  •         Personal Appearance of the minor applicant and the adult guardian
  •         Valid Passport or valid government ID* of the adult guardian (click here for the List of Acceptable IDs for Passport Application)
  •         Affidavit of Guardianship

In Case of Non-Marital Minor whose mother is deceased but is acknowledged by the Father on the Birth Certificate

  •         The father as the present parent may accompany the minor child in applying for a passport, provided that the father’s name must appear in the PSA-authenticated  BC of the minor child.
  •         If the father is unable to accompany the child, the father must execute a Special Power of Attorney in favor of another person who will accompany the child following Article 216 of the Family Code.

In Case of Non-Marital Minor whose mother is deceased but is acknowledged by the Father on the Birth Certificate

  •         The father as the present parent may accompany the minor child in applying for a passport, provided that the father’s name must appear in the PSA-authenticated  BC of the minor child.
  •         If the father is unable to accompany the child, the father must execute a Special Power of Attorney in favor of another person who will accompany the child following Article 216 of the Family Code.

In case Minor applicant whose Parents are deceased

Either surviving maternal or paternal grandparents of the child are authorized to apply for the child’s passport.

For non-marital minors, maternal grandparents are authorized to apply for passport.

If the minor applicant has undergone the process of domestic adoption

  •         Personal Appearance of the minor applicant and the adoptive parent/s
  •         Valid passport or valid government issued ID* of adoptive parent/s (click here for the List of Acceptable IDs for Passport Application)
  •         Court Decree of Adoption
  •         If the applicant is not accompanied by adoptive parent/s during the application process, applicant must submit a Special Power of Attorney executed by the adoptive parent/s designating the minor’s companion to assist in the application process must be submitted. The Special Power of Attorney must be authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate if executed abroad.
  •         If the applicant is not traveling with the adoptive parent/s, a DSWD clearance and Affidavit of Support and Consent executed by the adoptive parent/s must be submitted. The Affidavit of Support and Consent must be authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate if executed abroad.

 If the minor applicant is undergoing or has undergone the process of foreign adoption / Inter Country Adoption Board (ICAB) adoption process

  •         Personal Appearance of the minor applicant and ICAB representative
  •         PSA-authenticated Birth Certificate/PSA-authenticated Certificate of Foundling
  •         Endorsement from ICAB
  •         Certificate of Child Available for Adoption/Deed of Voluntary Commitment
  •         Placement Authority issued by ICAB
  •         Certificate for Issuance of Passport issued by ICAB
  •         Clearance for Inter-Country Adoption
  •         Child Study Report
  •         DSWD clearance 

If the applicant is a foundling and NOT for adoption

  •         Personal Appearance of minor applicant and adult guardian
  •         PSA Certificate of Foundling
  •         Passport or Valid Government issued ID* of adult guardian (click here for the List of Acceptable IDs for Passport Application)
  •         DSWD clearance
  •         Affidavit of guardianship

Dual Citizens

Passport applications filed by dual citizens right after Philippine citizenship reacquisition are treated as new applications, hence the following additional requirements.

  •         Original and one (1) photocopy of PSA-authenticated Birth Certificate or Report of Birth issued by the Philippine Consulate General New York (if born in the US Northeast). Click here to request a PSA-authenticated Birth Certificate.
    Note: Local Civil Registrar (LCR) copy may be required if the PSA-authenticated BC is not clear or unreadable.

The requirement that the Report of Birth should be PSA-authenticated  may only be waived if the following conditions are met:

  1.   The Report of Birth has been registered in PCG New York;
  2.   The Passport application is being made in PCG NY; and
  3.   The passport application is made within one year of registering the Report of Birth.
  •         For Married Female Applicants, who opts to use her Husband’s Surname in her Philippine passport, for the first time) original and one (1) photocopy of PSA-authenticated Marriage Certificate or Report of Marriage. Click here to request for a PSA-authenticated Marriage Certificate.
    Note:Local Civil Registrar (LCR) copy may be required if PSA MC is not clear or unreadable.

The requirement that the Report of Marriage should be PSA-issued may only be waived if the following conditions are met:

  1.   The Report of Marriage has been registered in PCG New York an FSP ;
  2.   The Passport application is being made in the same FSP PCG NY; and
  3.   The passport application is made within one year of registering the Report of Marriage
  •         Original and one (1) photocopy of Old Philippine passport
  •         Original and one (1) photocopy of US passport and/or US-state issued IDs or passport issued by country of second citizenship
  •         Original and one (1) photocopy of the Identification Certificate or Certificate of Retention/Re-acquisition of Philippine Citizenship issued by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate or the Bureau of Immigration (BI)

For Replacement Of Lost/Damaged/Unclaimed Machine Readable Travel Documents (MRTDs), as well as Machine Readable Travel Documents (MRTDs) with Erroneously Entered Biographical Details

  1.   For applicants whose electronic passport was issued 2017 onwards:
  •         A duly accomplished application form  
  •         Notarized Affidavit of Loss
  •       Police Report 
  1.   For applicants whose passports were issued prior to 2017:
  •         A duly accomplished application form
  •         Original and photocopy of PSA-authenticated Certificate of Live Birth, report of Birth or Certificate of Foundling or PSA-authenticated Certificate of Marriage
  •         Valid government issued IDsshe
  •         A copy of the data page of the lost Philippine passport, if available, and
  •         Affidavit of Loss
  1. For applicants who wish to correct the biographical information in their passport:
  •         A duly accomplished application form
  •         Original and photocopy of PSA-authenticated Certificate of Live Birth, report of Birth or Certificate of Foundling or PSA-authenticated Certificate of Marriage
  •         Valid government issued IDs
  •         The original passport and copy of the data page of the containing the erroneous biographical information
  •         Affidavit Explanation detailing the circumstances of the erroneous biographical information


Submit requirements listed under First Time Passport Applicant and the following additional requirements:

  1. Photocopy of the lost passport (if available)
  2. Notarized Affidavit of Loss in English
  3. One (1) colored passport-size (4.5cm X 3.5cm) photo with plain white background. You may have your photo taken at any studio, as these will only be used for filing purposes.
  4. Police Report in English 


Submit requirements listed under First Time Passport Applicant and the following additional requirements:

  1. Surrender original damaged/mutilated passport 
  2. Notarized Affidavit of Explanation 


This applies to applicant who previously used or lost a Travel Document (TD) to travel back to the Philippines. 

Submit requirements listed under First Time Passport Applicant and the following additional requirements:

  1. Affidavit of Explanation
  2. Original Travel Document (for used TD)
  3. Original Travel Records from the Bureau of Immigration (for lost TD)

*Examples of Proof of Filipino Citizenship are:

  • For natural-born Filipinos: US Permanent Resident Card, Work Permit, or US Visa
  • For  dual citizens: Identification Certificate issued by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate or the Bureau of Immigration (BI) and government-issued IDs (Philippine or from country of second citizenship).
  • For naturalized Filipino Citizen: Identification Certificate of Naturalization issued by BI
  • For applicant who obtained Filipino Citizenship by Election: Affidavit of Election of Philippine Citizenship and Identification Certificate of Election from BI
  • For applicant granted Filipino Citizenship by Act of Legislation: Certified true copy of the law granting citizenship and Foreign Birth Certificate with Apostille.

The Consular Officer reserves the right to require additional documents from the informant or applicant. 

Downloadable Forms

Reminders Before Proceeding to the Consulate




Health Protocols




Reminders After Passport Application


For passport releasing through mail, applicants should provide USPS Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope ($10.45), (FedEx no longer accepted).

Mail old passport for cancellation to:
Philippine Consulate General
556 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10036

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who owns the Philippine passport?

    The passport remains at all times the property of the Philippine Government, the holder being a mere possessor thereof. The fraudulent acquisition, loss or destruction of the Passport is a crime punishable under the law, with penalties stipulated under RA 8239. The Consular Officer is authorized to determine if the applicant can apply for a passport, and what documentary evidence must be presented.

  • Who can issue a Philippine passport?

    Only the Secretary of Foreign Affairs or any of his authorized consular officers may issue a Philippine passport

  • Who can apply for a Philippine passport?

    • Only citizens of the Republic of the Philippines are entitled to a Philippine passport.
    • Former Filipino Nationals who are naturalized citizens of foreign countries are no longer entitled to use or renew their Philippine passports, having lost their Philippine citizenship (Commonwealth Act No. 63 of 1936)
    • Those who have acquired foreign citizenship by naturalization but have reacquired Philippine citizenship upon taking the oath of allegiance to the Republic of the Philippines in accordance with R.A. 9225 the “Citizenship Retention and Re-acquisition Act of 2003″ may apply for Philippine passports, if they satisfy the requirements of R.A. 8239 “The Philippine Passport Law”

    In the interest of national security, public safety and public health, a consular officer may refuse to issue a passport, restrict its use, withdraw or cancel a passport.

    In view of the need to determine an applicant’s current citizenship, a consular officer may require an applicant to present a valid document of foreign residency i.e., a US Permanent Resident Card, US Visa, INS notice, etc.

  • Does immigration status in the US matter when I am applying for a passport?

    No matter what your status is here in the US, you can apply for a Philippine Passport, provided that you can show us that:

    1. You are who you say you are – Proof of Identity
    2. You are still a Filipino citizen – Proof of Citizenship

    What the Consulate verifies is the truth of the Oath signed by all passport applicants, which says:
    “I solemnly swear under penalty of law that I am a Filipino; I am the person in the attached photograph; the thumbprints on this form are mine, I have never made false representations in any of my passport applications; the statements made on this Application Form are true and correct; and the attached supporting documents are authentic.”

  • How long does it take to process a Philippine passport?

    All passports are printed by the Department of Foreign Affairs in Manila. Regular passport applications received from Philippine Embassies/Consulates will be available from four (4) to six (6) weeks from the date of application. Applicants are advised to plan trips or interviews where they will need valid passports only after receiving the new passport. 

  • Is it mandatory to renew my expired passport even though I have no plans to travel anytime soon?

    No. You may renew your expired passport any time you wish.

    However, we strongly recommend that you should have a valid passport with at least seven to eight (7-8) months validity prior to making any travel plans.

  • What are the new photo requirements for the ePassport?

    No passport photo is required. Your photo will be taken digitally by our Data Encoders during the passport application enrollment step.  Please note of the following tips for posing during photo capturing :

    • Straight frontal shot (no tilting of head)
    • “Medium” smile (no teeth showing)
    • Collared shirt/decent attire
    • Both ears visible/both eyebrows visible (no bangs)
    • Head scarf/veil for religious or health reasons allowed

    Image can be rejected for the following reasons:

    • Distorted image – head is tilted or smile is too wide
    • Women – excessive makeup, large earrings
    • Men – wearing makeup, earrings
    • Colored contact lenses that disguise the natural color of the applicant’s eyes.  Clear contact lenses however, are allowed.
    • Use of headgear other than scarf/veil for religious or health reasons
    • Use of eyeglasses/shades
    • Poor photo quality/poor or uneven lighting

  • How do I change or amend data on my passport?

    The applicant is advised to present documents to justify the need to change/amend data found on his/her passport. The Consular Officer reserves the right to require further proof. Applicant is further advised that implementing changes/amendments may not be carried out immediately, but may require corresponding with the Philippine Statistics Authority.

  • Is it be possible to keep my current passport “uncancelled” while the new one is being processed?

    The Consulate will not cancel a passport as long as it is valid. The applicant is only required to present it to Consulate for cancellation once the new passport arrives. Once cancelled, the old passport will also be returned to the applicant.

  • What is the validity of a Philippine passport?

    In accordance with Department Order No. 010-2017 or the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act No. 10928 (2017), the Philippine passport has a ten-year validity period, for those issued to Filipinos 18 years or older. Filipinos under 18 years will still be issued five-year valid passports.

  • Can additional pages be inserted in the passport if it has ran out of pagess?

    No. The Philippine passport has a standard booklet containing forty-four (44) pages. Should the passport run out of pages, you need to renew your passport.

  • I applied for a passport before but never claimed it. Do I need to declare it?

    Yes. You may request for a Certificate of Unclaimed Passport from DFA-Aseana or the concerned Consular Office or Philippine Embassy/Consulate, and submit this certification together with your application.

  • My passport's validity is less than 6 months. Can I still use it to travel abroad?

    No. Your passport must be at least six-months valid for you to be able to travel abroad.

    However, Filipinos who are currently abroad may travel back to the Philippines even if their passport are less than 6-months valid. 

  • I have valid foreign visas on my old passport. Should I have it transferred to my new one?

    No. Expired and Renewed passports do not affect the validity of the foreign visas. However, you must bring your old passport with valid visas along with your new passport when travelling. When in doubt, consult the Foreign Embassy that issued your visa.

  • I have printed visas with me. Can I staple it on my passport?

    No. Stapling documents, especially on the covers, and putting unnecessary designs or accessories may damage the passport or which might damage the chip and make the ePassport invalid.

  • Upon claiming my passport, I realized that my name was misspelled. What shall I do?

    Before leaving the consular office, make sure that you check the details of your new passport carefully. If the details on your passport are incorrect, such as your name, sex or date of birth, you may reapply for a passport and pay the regular passport fee of $60.00.