Frequently Asked Questions
Currently, the following consular services can be booked through an online appointment:
– Passport
– Notarials
– Dual Citizenship
For other consular services, please click:
No. As a policy, all consular applicants are required to have a confirmed appointment prior to coming to the Consulate.
As a policy the Philippine Consulate General in New York requires all consular applicants to have a booked appointment prior to coming to the Consulate. The Consulate may give exception to meritorious cases, such as those with valid and immediate urgency to their requests.
To make a request in case you are unable to book an appointment, you can send an email so we can review the merits of your particular situation to: for Notarization, for Dual Citizenship, for Passport applications.
All requests are subject to evaluation and approval is not guaranteed.
– To book an online appointment for Passport services, please click
– To book an online appointment for Notarial services and Dual Citizenship, please click Online Appointment System
To address the issue of appointment slot availability, particularly for citizenship reacquisition and retention, and legalization or consularization of documents, the Consulate has implemented a new policy requiring prepayment for all applicants. This prepayment requirement aims to deter no-shows and ensure a more efficient allocation of appointment slots. Prospective clients will be required to make a payment through the online payment portal before scheduling their appointments, ensuring a commitment to the scheduled appointment time.
Yes. However, you must ensure that it is your name, your email, and your mobile number that is registered as the applicant so you will receive the confirmation SMS and emails. You should also use the same email address during payments so you will receive the email with the attached eReceipt with your name on it.
Remember, on the day of your appointment, if your name is not on the appointment list you may be denied entry.
Yes, another card may be used to pay for your consular fees, however it should be your name, your mobile phone, and your email used to identify you as the applicant. Also during card payment , use the same email so that your name will appear on the eReceipt as the applicant or you may be denied entry during the day of your appointment.
You will receive the following:
– an SMS confirmation sent to your registered mobile number
– three separate emails: 1st email to confirm your registration; 2nd email confirming payment; 3rd email with the attached eReceipt (with PCG NY logo) which you will need to download, print, and bring with you on the date of your appointment
The third email does not arrive right away after payment, unlike the two previous emails. Check your inbox again after 10-15 minutes. Also, check your spam or junk mail folder.
If you still do not receive your eReceipt after an hour, contact the online appointment administrators at:
Please send an email to:
All fees are non-refundable. Fees shall be forfeited for applicants who fail to show up on their confirmed appointment, applicants who cancel their appointment, applicants whose application was rejected due to inconsistency, incorrect and/or incomplete information, and applicants who present discrepant, spurious, and/or lacking core documents.
– printed eReceipt
– valid IDs
– documents relevant to your chosen consular service (originals and copies)
For the list of all required documents, please click
Yes, you may book a notarization appointment in addition to your dual citizenship appointment. The procedure is the same.
You can book an appointment as early as 60 days in advance. The latest you can book for an appointment is a day before your preferred date.
Please remember that the online appointment and scheduling system allocates slots on a first-come, first-served basis. Should your preferred date and time be unavailable, please choose another. Appointment slots will be made available daily.
You may email your appointment-related question to:
Please send an email to:
The passport remains at all times the property of the Philippine Government, the holder being a mere possessor thereof. The fraudulent acquisition, loss or destruction of the Passport is a crime punishable under the law, with penalties stipulated under RA 8239. The Consular Officer is authorized to determine if the applicant can apply for a passport, and what documentary evidence must be presented.
Only the Secretary of Foreign Affairs or any of his authorized consular officers may issue a Philippine passport
- Only citizens of the Republic of the Philippines are entitled to a Philippine passport.
- Former Filipino Nationals who are naturalized citizens of foreign countries are no longer entitled to use or renew their Philippine passports, having lost their Philippine citizenship (Commonwealth Act No. 63 of 1936)
- Those who have acquired foreign citizenship by naturalization but have reacquired Philippine citizenship upon taking the oath of allegiance to the Republic of the Philippines in accordance with R.A. 9225 the “Citizenship Retention and Re-acquisition Act of 2003″ may apply for Philippine passports, if they satisfy the requirements of R.A. 8239 “The Philippine Passport Law”
In the interest of national security, public safety and public health, a consular officer may refuse to issue a passport, restrict its use, withdraw or cancel a passport.
In view of the need to determine an applicant’s current citizenship, a consular officer may require an applicant to present a valid document of foreign residency i.e., a US Permanent Resident Card, US Visa, INS notice, etc.
No matter what your status is here in the US, you can apply for a Philippine Passport, provided that you can show us that:
- You are who you say you are – Proof of Identity
- You are still a Filipino citizen – Proof of Citizenship
What the Consulate verifies is the truth of the Oath signed by all passport applicants, which says:
“I solemnly swear under penalty of law that I am a Filipino; I am the person in the attached photograph; the thumbprints on this form are mine, I have never made false representations in any of my passport applications; the statements made on this Application Form are true and correct; and the attached supporting documents are authentic.”
All passports are printed by the Department of Foreign Affairs in Manila. Regular passport applications received from Philippine Embassies/Consulates will be available from four (4) to six (6) weeks from the date of application. Applicants are advised to plan trips or interviews where they will need valid passports only after receiving the new passport.
No. You may renew your expired passport any time you wish.
However, we strongly recommend that you should have a valid passport with at least seven to eight (7-8) months validity prior to making any travel plans.
No passport photo is required. Your photo will be taken digitally by our Data Encoders during the passport application enrollment step. Please note of the following tips for posing during photo capturing :
- Straight frontal shot (no tilting of head)
- “Medium” smile (no teeth showing)
- Collared shirt/decent attire
- Both ears visible/both eyebrows visible (no bangs)
- Head scarf/veil for religious or health reasons allowed
Image can be rejected for the following reasons:
- Distorted image – head is tilted or smile is too wide
- Women – excessive makeup, large earrings
- Men – wearing makeup, earrings
- Colored contact lenses that disguise the natural color of the applicant’s eyes. Clear contact lenses however, are allowed.
- Use of headgear other than scarf/veil for religious or health reasons
- Use of eyeglasses/shades
- Poor photo quality/poor or uneven lighting
The applicant is advised to present documents to justify the need to change/amend data found on his/her passport. The Consular Officer reserves the right to require further proof. Applicant is further advised that implementing changes/amendments may not be carried out immediately, but may require corresponding with the Philippine Statistics Authority.
The Consulate will not cancel a passport as long as it is valid. The applicant is only required to present it to Consulate for cancellation once the new passport arrives. Once cancelled, the old passport will also be returned to the applicant.
In accordance with Department Order No. 010-2017 or the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act No. 10928 (2017), the Philippine passport has a ten-year validity period, for those issued to Filipinos 18 years or older. Filipinos under 18 years will still be issued five-year valid passports.
No. The Philippine passport has a standard booklet containing forty-four (44) pages. Should the passport run out of pages, you need to renew your passport.
Yes. You may request for a Certificate of Unclaimed Passport from DFA-Aseana or the concerned Consular Office or Philippine Embassy/Consulate, and submit this certification together with your application.
No. Your passport must be at least six-months valid for you to be able to travel abroad.
However, Filipinos who are currently abroad may travel back to the Philippines even if their passport are less than 6-months valid.
No. Expired and Renewed passports do not affect the validity of the foreign visas. However, you must bring your old passport with valid visas along with your new passport when travelling. When in doubt, consult the Foreign Embassy that issued your visa.
No. Stapling documents, especially on the covers, and putting unnecessary designs or accessories may damage the passport or which might damage the chip and make the ePassport invalid.
Before leaving the consular office, make sure that you check the details of your new passport carefully. If the details on your passport are incorrect, such as your name, sex or date of birth, you may reapply for a passport and pay the regular passport fee of $60.00.
Yes. Applicants are required to set up an appointment online and pay the fee through the online payment portal
Former natural-born Filipinos who have become naturalized citizens of another country.
Natural-born Filipinos are those who are citizens of the Philippines from birth without having to perform any act to acquire or perfect their Philippine citizenship.
These are persons:
- Born after January 17, 1973, whose fathers or mothers are citizens of the Philippines at the time of their birth;
- Born before January 17, 1973 to a:
- Father who is a Philippine citizen; or
- Mother who is a Philippine citizen and
that personelects Philippine citizenship upon reaching the age of majority.
- Printed copy of the e-receipt
- A duly accomplished dual citizenship application form (
- Original and one (1) photocopy of PSA/NSO Birth Certificate
- Original and one (1) photocopy of latest Philippine Passport
- Original and one (1) photocopy of PSA/NSO Marriage Certificate or US / Foreign Marriage Certificate (required for married women)
- Original and one (1) photocopy of Death Certificate (required for widow/widower)
- Original and one (1) photocopy of Divorce Decree or PSA Marriage Certificate with annotation on divorce (required for applicant who has previous marriage/s or is divorced)
- Original and one (1) photocopy of US / Foreign Certificate of Naturalization
- Original and one (1) photocopy of valid US / Foreign Passport or any valid US government-issued ID (e.g. Driver’s license), if foreign passport is expired or not available
- Applicant’s photos – two (2) pcs colored 2”x2” (passport size) photos with plain white background, taken not longer than six (6) months ago
- Notarized Affidavit of Explanation on how US / Foreign Citizenship was acquired (required for applicants who were included as minor dependents when their parent/s were naturalized as US / Foreign citizen/s)
Please be aware of the following notice on the landing page when you first scheduled your dual citizenship appointment:
“All fees are none-refundable. Fees will be forfeited for applicants who do not attend their confirmed appointment, cancel their appointment, have their application rejected due to inconsistencies, incorrect or incomplete information, present discrepant, spurious, or insufficient core documents.”
To secure another appointment, you will need to schedule a new one.
The Oath of Allegiance, Identification Certificate and Order of Approval granting the application shall state your name as appearing in the birth certificate, followed by an alias or “also known as” (AKA) indicating the name as appearing in your foreign certificate of naturalization and passport.
If the adult child was born in the Philippines and at least one parent is still Filipino at the time of child’s birth, he/she may file his/her own application for dual citizenship under RA9225.
If the adult child was born in the US and both parents are already naturalized US citizen at the time of child’s birth, the adult child or parent/s can file a Petition for Naturalization as a Filipino Citizenship at the Bureau of Immigration in the Philippines. (Please see Recognition of Filipino Citizenship)
If the adult child was born in the US and at least one parent is still Filipino at the time of child’s birth, the adult child or parent/s can apply for Report of Birth of a Filipino Abroad at the Philippine Embassy or Consulate which has jurisdiction over the place of birth. (Please see Report of Birth)
Yes. Under the principle of derivative citizenship, unmarried children below eighteen (18) years of age, whether legitimate, illegitimate, or adopted, of former Filipino parents who retained/reacquired their Philippine citizenship under RA 9225, may also be deemed Filipino citizens, if they are included in the parent’s application for retention/reacquisition of Philippine citizenship and the corresponding fees are paid.
If the documentary requirements are found to be in order, an oath taking ceremony will take place in the afternoon on the same day of the appointment schedule, typically between 3:30 PM and 4:00 PM.
The ceremony is a solemn and meaningful event. Please dress in proper attire to respect the dignity of the event (please no jeans, sandals, skimpy dress, etc). Those in improper dress may be refused entry to the premises
Once you reacquire/retain your Philippine citizenship, you will again enjoy full civil, economic and political rights and be subject to all attendant liabilities and responsibilities under existing laws of the Philippines under existing Philippine laws.
Among these rights are:
- The right to travel with a Philippine passport;
- The right to own real property in the Philippines;
- The right to engage in business and commerce as a Filipino; and
- The right to practice one’s profession, provided that a license or permit to engage in such practice is obtained from the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), or the Supreme Court in the case of lawyers.
- You may also vote in the Philippine national elections (for President, Vice President, Senators and sectoral representatives) in accordance with the provisions of the Overseas Absentee Voting Act of 2003.
- Your foreign spouse also automatically becomes eligible for an immigrant visa.
- You will enjoy all other right and privileges enjoyed by Filipino citizens.
Under Philippine law, those intending to practice their profession in the Philippines shall apply with the proper authority for a license or permit to engage in such practice. One of the requirements of the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) is that the applicant is a dual citizen.
No, your old Philippine passport was rendered null and void the moment you were naturalized as a US citizen. You must surrender it to the Consulate for cancellation. You are, however, eligible to apply for a new Philippine passport upon the successful retention/reacquisition of your Philippine citizenship.
Under the Philippine Comprehensive Tax Reform Program of 1997, incomes earned overseas by Filipinos from 1998 onwards are no longer taxable by the Philippine government. Hence, all Filipinos abroad, including those who have retained/reacquired their Philippine citizenship, have been exempted by the Philippine Government from paying Philippine income tax on incomes earned abroad.
Incomes earned in the Philippines, however, will be subject to Philippine income tax. Prospective applicants are advised to visit and read the contents of the website of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, which contains information about current U.S. government policy on taxes on incomes earned worldwide, or to seek legal advice from a U.S. tax lawyer.
The Act does not require one to renounce his or her US citizenship. Also, there is no prohibition against dual citizenship in the US.
The US Supreme Court, as early as 1952, has stated that dual citizenship is a “status long recognized by law” and that “a person may have and exercise rights of nationality in two countries and maybe be subject to the responsibilities of both. The mere fact he asserts the rights of one citizenship does not mean that he renounces the other” (Kawakita v US, 343 US 717). In 1964, the US Supreme Court also ruled that a naturalized US citizen has the right to return to his country of origin and resume his former citizenship while remaining a US citizen, even if he never returns to the US (Schneider v. Rusk, 377 US 163).
You will need to present your original dual citizenship papers (Oath of Allegiance, Identification Certificate and Approval Order) during the following:
- When you apply for a Philippine passport
- If traveling to the Philippines with a US passport and planning on staying for more than thirty (30) days.
You may request certified true copies (CTC) of these documents by sending an email to Once the Consulate confirms availability of the applicant’s records, the applicant will be requested to send the payment of US$25.00 per document which shall be in the form of bank draft, cashier’s check or money order payable to the Philippine Consulate General (personal checks and credit cards are not accepted) AND a pre-paid, self-addressed USPS Priority/Priority Express Return Envelope. Once mailed, the applicant should inform the Consulate of the tracking number of the envelope for easy reference.
Note that this service cannot be rushed as it often requires a search through our archives. Expect to receive the documents requested at least fifteen (15) working days (after the processing of the request).
Having retained/reacquired your Philippine citizenship, you can reside in the Philippines for as long as you want without having to apply for entry visa and paying immigration fees. You can choose to retire or permanently settle in the Philippines.
An immigrant visa may be issued to a Filipino citizen’s foreign spouse which entitles him/her to permanently reside in the Philippines. The visa may be obtained by applying at the Philippine Consulate General. The effectivity of the visa, however, is contingent upon the Filipino citizen’s retention of his/her Filipino citizenship.
The answer would depend on the intended period of stay in the Philippines and if the spouse is a visa-required national under the Philippine visa regulation.
Foreign spouse (as well as children) included in the visa waiver category may avail of the Balikbayan-Program for stays of up to one (1) year. Otherwise, they would need to apply for an appropriate visa.
Residency in the Philippines is NOT a requirement for those who retain/reacquire Philippine citizenship. Those who intend to vote in local elections, however, must establish residence in the locality where they wish to vote.
A dependent is a child below 18 years of age, whether legitimate, illegitimate, or adopted.
Remote notarization is reserved only to those who live in areas within our consular jurisdiction, which are under a state of emergency or public health crisis.
For more information on Remote Notarization, please click here:
Yes. Applicants for Notarial Services are required to set up an appointment online and pay the notarization fee through the online payment portal.
Only one appointment slot is needed for a group of persons who will sign the same document.
If the applicants are signing a document individually or separately, a separate appointment for each applicant is required.
Yes. Please indicate the number of documents to be notarized (not per page) and pay the notarization fee through the online payment portal.
Yes. Personal appearance of the signatory or signatories is a requirement for consular notarization.
If the signatory is unable to visit the Consulate and appear personally for consular notarization, another option is to have the document notarized by a US notary public and have it apostilled in the State Department.
Affidavits, Special Powers of Attorney, General Powers of Attorney, Certifications, Contracts to Sell, Deeds of Donation, Deeds of Absolute Sale, Bank Forms/ Signature Cards, Insurance Forms, NBI Clearance Applications, GSIS/ SSS Forms, Extra-Judicial Settlements, List Items, Au Pair Agreements.
The Consulate no longer authenticates the signatures of public documents notarized by any US notary public or signed/issued/certified by a Federal, State, County, City, university or school official since 15 May 2019.
To use these types of documents in the Philippines, these will only require an Apostille Certificate issued by competent U.S. authorities. Please click here for information on how to obtain an Apostille Certificate:
An Apostille is a certificate that authenticates the origin of a public document. It is issued by a country that is party to the Apostille Convention to be used in another country which is also a party to the Convention. The United States is a party to the Convention and the Philippines also acceded to the Convention on 14 May 2019.
Birth Certificates from the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) and other government-issued documents in the Philippines are apostilled at the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA- ASEANA) and other selected locations in the Philippines.
For further guidance, please click here:
Personal appearance of the signatory or signatories;
Printed eReceipt
Two (2) copies of the unsigned document. It will be signed before the Consular Officer;
Two (2) original Government-issued Identification Documents (IDs), showing full name, photo, and signature of the applicant;
Two (2) photocopies of IDs for every document to be notarized
1. Set up an appointment for Notarial Services
2. Execute an Affidavit of Renunciation of Philippine Citizenship
3. Submit the following:
- Philippine Passport
- Identification Certificate, Oath of Allegiance, Order of Approval (For Dual Citizens)
- PSA Birth Certificate / Report of Birth
- US Certificate of Naturalization / US Passport
- Proof of Parent/s Philippine Citizenship at the the time of child’s birth (For those born in the US)
For more information on how to renounce Philippine citizenship, please click here:
You may secure and accomplish an NBI Fingerprint Card Form available at the Philippine Consulate and send it to the National Bureau of Investigation in the Philippines to obtain the clearance.
For the list of requirements, please click here:
Personal appearance of the applicant
Printed eReceipt
Original Philippine passport with signature
Two (2) copies of the data pages of the Philippines passport
Go to the Visa Page and type the country that issued your passport in the search box to determine if you are required to apply for a Philippine temporary visitor’s visa.
The online visa application system is currently available for foreign nationals applying for a temporary visitor’s visa. Visit to lodge your application. For other visa types, applicants may wish to inquire by sending email first to
Foreign nationals exceeding their authorized stay in the Philippines should proceed to the Bureau of Immigration ( to apply for an extension.
Visit the following pages if your visa application is endorsed by any of the following:
Foreign nationals allowed to enter the Philippines without a visa for a maximum period of stay of thirty (30) days should meet all of the following requirements:
- The applicant is travelling to the Philippines for business or tourism;
- Valid tickets for return to port of origin or next port of destination;
- Passport valid for at least six (6) months beyond the contemplated period of stay; and
- The applicant is not subject of deportation/blacklist order of the Department and the Bureau of Immigration.
If the foreign national will pass through Philippine immigration during transit in the Philippines, a transit visa will be required. Please proceed to the Philippine Foreign Service Post nearest to your place of residence for inquiries on applying for a transit visa. You may check the Philippine Foreign Service Post nearest to your place of residence here.
Foreign nationals entering the Philippines for employment may secure a pre-arranged employment visa through the following options:
- File a petition through a Philippine-based employer in the Bureau of Immigration for the issuance of pre-arranged employment visa, after which the visa will be issued at the Philippine Foreign Service Post located in the applicant’s country of origin or place of legal residence; or
- Apply for a temporary visitor’s visa abroad and convert it into a pre-arranged employment visa at the Bureau of Immigration upon arrival in the Philippines.
You may check the Philippine Foreign Service Post nearest to your place of residence here.
Foreign students may secure a student visa through the following options:
- The Philippine-based university shall submit the application for a student visa of the applicant together with the requirement at the Visa Division of the Office of Consular Affairs, Department of Foreign Affairs in Manila, after which the visa shall be issued at the Philippine Foreign Service Post located in the applicant’s country of origin or place of legal residence; or
- Apply for a temporary visitor’s visa abroad and convert it into a student visa at the Bureau of Immigration upon arrival in the Philippines.
You may check the Philippine Foreign Service Post nearest to your place of residence here.
Visa-free nationals who are family members (spouse and children holding foreign passports) of a Filipino citizen may enter the Philippines without a visa for a period of one (1) year under the Balikbayan Program, provided that they should be travelling with the Filipino national.
Visa-required nationals should still apply for a temporary visitor’s visa prior to entering the Philippines.
Qualified business persons may apply for an ABTC by visit this link:
Holders of valid ABTCs may enter the Philippines without a visa with streamlined privileges, provided that the purpose of their visit is business.